Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Playstation 3)
Technical Difficulties
Attempt to access DNA Sequence 9 for the first time.
You're good enough at video games that you can watch an intro movie. Congratulations, you've earned a trophy. Best take a break before continuing. You're going to need a lot of mental and physical preparation for the next scene, which actually involves picking up the controller. Think you're up to the challenge?
Battle Wounds
Complete DNA Sequence 1.
It's been a few months since I finished Assassin's Creed 2, and with Revelations not far off, it seemed like the right time to have a crack at Brotherhood. DNA Sequence 1 acted mostly as a tutorial, but presented an entertaining opening to the game nonetheless. By the way Ezio was cheerfully wandering around Monteriggioni, it was painfully obvious that all hell was about to break loose. Bad for Ezio, but exciting for the player. The sacrifices these video game characters make for us...
Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
Find a secure place to hide and re-enter the Animus.
...And the sacrifices we make for them. Following on from DNA Sequence 1, you're dragged, kicking and screaming, into the world of Desmond once again. This time, you get quite a lengthy climbing sequence and a fair few cutscenes, so there's plenty of time to get to know female romantic interest, sarcastic British guy, geeky tech lady, and of course, average guy.
I'm sure they have names, but I was too busy trying to hang myself with a white hoodie to be paying attention. Hey, now I'm sarcastic British guy.
Mailer Daemon
Access your email in 2012.
As if it couldn't get any worse, you now have the option of leaving the Animus and playing as Desmond, any time you like. Just to remind you, a very intrusive text box will flash up on screen, alerting you to a new email received in present day. I think the first email I read said: "Don't forget, this is just a video game. Don't go getting too immersed."
Golden Boy
Discover the Shrine in the Terme di Traiano
Finally, we're back with Ezio, the true main character of Assassin's Creed. Despite all the negativity so far, I am really enjoying Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I just have nothing good to say about anything involving Desmond Miles, if you haven't already guessed.
This area was a throwback to one of my favourite types of section in AC2: what I like to call the indoor climb-em-ups (I doubt it'll catch on). I ended up playing through this particular shrine 4 times, thanks to Ubisoft's new way of appealing to the perfectionist in me. Each DNA sequence consists of separate memories, as usual. Here, "memory" is interchangeable with "mission", as that's all they are: objectives that must be completed to progress. However, each mission now includes an optional "100% sync" objective. By completing a memory under extra criteria, such as without taking damage, or within a certain time limit, 100% sync can be achieved, rather than a lesser percentage that reeks of failure.
I couldn't ignore it, of course, when the game challenged me to complete this climbing section in under 8 minutes. That's why I played through it 4 times. I have a feeling this game is going to take a long time to finish.
Deja Vu
Replay a Memory.
Like I said, 4 times. I'm my own worst enemy. Good thing there aren't any amazing games coming out in the next few months that I need to clear my gaming schedule for. Oh, there's that sarcastic British guy again. Uh oh...
Rome in Ruins
Complete DNA Sequence 2.
Alright, I'm starting to remember how this works. "Requiescat in pace," and everything goes all Matrix-y as the next chapter is loaded.
Perfect Recall
Achieve 100% Synchronization in any Sequence other than Sequence 1.
I wasn't actually aware of the rewards you get for 100% sync of a DNA sequence. It turns out that I now have the option of immunity to injury when replaying a memory, and I can also turn all horses into unicorns. Worth it.
World of Warcraft (PC)
Character: Grimtoosk (Troll Druid)
Does Your Wolpertinger Linger?
Obtain a Wolpertinger pet.
Brewfest is back! I have fonder memories of the first year, as there were a few more quests going on that have been removed for reasons beyond me. It still creates a good atmosphere though, so even though I was pretty much done with the festival after completing all the achievements a couple of years ago, I thought I'd still drop in to get into the spirit of things.
And of course, I couldn't resist picking up this little fellow, just so that I could click on it and listen to the strange noises it makes.
Down With The Dark Iron
Defend the Brewfest camp from the Dark Iron attack and complete the quest, "This One Time, When I Was Drunk..."
With all the years Brewfest has been going on for now, it's surprising to still see cries of "WUT I DO?" when the Dark Iron dwarves attack. Chug and throw. Chug and throw. Your reward: motion sickness.
The Empire of Zul'Drak
Complete 100 quests in Zul'Drak
Zul'Drak was the one zone I hadn't really explored fully in Wrath of the Lich King. I now see the error of my ways, as it's actually one of the best that Northrend has to offer, possibly second only to Storm Peaks. I might have a little bias for the zone, what with it being one big troll-fest, but I think the race deserved a little attention after being mostly ignored in the Burning Crusade. It was also good to see the return of ice trolls, which, as far as I know, haven't been seen since Warcraft 3.
Character: Zulgrim (Troll Death Knight)
50 Quests Completed
Complete 50 quests.
What's this? A death knight? I played through the starting zone when Wrath of the Lich King was first released, but never took it any further. Being quite partial to plate wearing melee classes, I always had some interest in death knights, but didn't really have the time to level one.
The perfect opportunity has now arisen, as I want another character at level 75, giving me access to two more professions. What could be more convenient than a class that starts at level 55?
The majority of these 50 quests made up the starting zone; a fine example of quest design and the use of phasing to simulate progression. There hasn't really been anything like it since, in my opinion.
Level 60
Reach level 60.
It doesn't take long. You leave the starting area at level 58, and the next two levels fly by in Outland. This is going to be a pure grind. I've read the Outland quests enough times now that I can just accept them and get straight on with it. I'm a killing machine. I'll be 75 in no time.
Into The Wild Blue Yonder
Learn the expert riding skill.
I splashed out on the eery looking winged steed of the Ebon Blade. I need to look the part.
Team Fortress 2 (PC)
General Achievements
Escape The Heat
Jump into a pool of refreshing water while on fire.
Steam reports that I've played 32 hours of Team Fortress 2, and it's only now that I've made the smart decision to jump into water when on fire?
Soldier Achievements
Where Eagles Dare
Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch.
Awesome drum intro. Piece of Mind is a great album.
During the victory screen, when it doesn't matter how much I hurt myself, I've been practicing rocket jumps. This was a good 'un.
Soldier Milestone 2
Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Soldier pack.
Thanks to this achievement, I'm now in possession of the Direct Hit, a rocket launcher that favours those who can aim well. Not for me, then. I like the one that fires rockets really fast. The less I have to make each shot count, the better.
Spy Achievements
High Value Target
Backstab an enemy who is dominating 3 or more of your teammates.
There's nothing I hate more than a demoman with that irritating sword and shield combo. Neither a shot to the head or a backstab compares to the pure frustration felt when a demoman charges towards you, and it's too late to do anything about it. It's always too late. This was a very satisfying backstab.
Spy Milestone 2
Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Spy pack.
I've been rewarded with the Cloak and Dagger, a new method of cloaking that recharges when standing still. I've not really got to grips with it yet, but I imagine it's good for hiding in strategic locations, waiting for the opportunity to strike. I suppose the choice between this and the default cloak depends on how much I want to move around the map.