Sunday 24 April 2011

This Week, I 'Ave Been Mostly Playing... (24/04/2011)

In an effort to add an extra nugget of content per week, I thought I'd start posting an update of what I've been playing during the last 7 days, hopefully every Sunday. Since I don't really have the time to finish games quickly enough to post reviews every week, it'll give me a chance to talk a little more about the games I'm playing, whether I've finished them or not.

Assassin's Creed 2

I've been playing this for a few weeks now and just finished it off this afternoon. I'll be posting a full review this week so I'll have plenty to say about it then but for now, I'll say that I've enjoyed it.

I have the complete edition which includes codes to get both sets of DLC, so I downloaded and installed them shortly after I began playing the game. It turns out that, because they take place chronologically before the end of the game, by having them installed it becomes mandatory to complete them both before you can progress to the final chapter of the main game. I understand that this allows players of the complete edition to experience the full story in the correct order but since I've never come across DLC that wasn't optional before, I found myself with a few unexpected extra hours of gameplay to get through when I was at the point of feeling ready to finish the game.

Nevertheless, I'm glad I got to enjoy the story in chronological order. After the credits rolled I jumped straight back in to grab some more trophies. They all look to be fairly easy to accomplish; I only have a couple of optional sections to get through and a few collection quests to complete and I'll have my platinum trophy. It doesn't seem to be the most challenging platinum to get.

I'm sure there'll be more than a few raised eyebrows when a Facebook update of me getting the trophy "Spend 5000 florins on Courtesans" pops up in the news feed.

Portal 2

It was such a lucky coincidence that Portal 2 was released during my week off. I can't imagine how I'd have felt, having to sit at work, wondering what was coming next in the story and not being able to find out. Obviously I can't say much about it without spoiling anything but I will say that this game has had me grinning all week.

I finished the single player on Thursday and jumped into the co-op last night. The potential for trolling is immense, which I unfortunately found out the hard way as I was plunged into the murky pool of instant death time and time again. I'm looking forward to carrying on with that and I'll write a full review when the co-op is complete.

Final Fantasy XIII

I finally loaded up my save to get stuck into all the missions I left unfinished, which was most of them. I seem to have been a little overpowered for the missions I've done so far but with 40 or so to go, I'm sure I'll be filling my pockets with phoenix down before too long.

There's an awful lot of running from place to place while you're tackling the missions, though that's become less of an issue now that I've unlocked chocobos and the majority of waystones. I feel the map could be a little more helpful though. For starters, it's annoying that the main map rotates with you as it makes it difficult to tell which way North is. There's also no real indication of where each exit from the current area will take you. I'm sure this'll improve as I get used to the layout but for now, I'm getting a little lost every now and then.

The Sims 3

Yes, it has me once again. I recently got the Ambitions expansion, so I've been working my way up through the ghost hunting career path. By night, Harold Spengler is a ghost hunter extraordinaire, ridding the town of evil poltergeists that terrorise citizens with their diabolical floating of furniture. By day, Harold likes to pass the time by upgrading his toilet, perfecting his Ratatouille recipe, playing chess with his hydrophobic girlfriend and crafting small toy cows out of scrap. Yes, The Sims truly allows you to play out that alternate life you never had. 

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