Sunday 22 May 2011

This Week, I 'Ave Been Mostly Playing... (22/05/2011)


It's been a busy week, so I've only played this a couple of times. I still haven't finished it, but I get the feeling I'm about three quarters of the way through. I've come to accept that the characters are never going to be particularly interesting, so I'm just going with it and enjoying the gameplay, which gets better and better as more powers are acquired. It does seem like some of the powers I've gained would have been massively useful in some of the previous sections, but I suppose that only adds to the satisfaction of finally having the tools to fight back against the more annoying enemies.

I'm glad to see that, in such a combat heavy game, the enemies have become increasingly difficult to overpower. There's a modest amount of variety in types of enemies that attack you, and even though the later enemies are just tougher versions of the existing ones, they still ensure that the challenge curve is maintained enough to remain engaging.

Perhaps I'll actually get Infamous finished this week. For such a short game, I seem to be taking my sweet time with it. I suppose the distracting side quests are partly to blame.

World of Warcraft

Level 50! I noticed a new ability popping up that boosts your stats if you're wearing the armour type (leather, mail etc.) that your class is supposed to be wearing. That's a rather sneaky way of stopping restoration druids wearing cloth and fury warriors wearing leather/mail. That is, if that was still happening at all, but I can't think of any other reason why this new ability has been implemented.

My little band of levelers has reached what has always been one of my favourite zones; Un'goro Crater. I love how much it strays from the traditional Warcraft areas of the RTS games while still, somehow, fitting in just fine with the rest of Kalimdor. I'm happy to see that it remains mostly unchanged by Cataclysm. We've only made a small start on the quests, but they seem to have been somewhat updated, and there's always the possibility of some new quest lines later on. The landscape, however, is still very familiar to me, and for that I'm thankful. I was worried that Cataclysm was going to change Azeroth so much that I'd actually miss the older versions of some of the zones, but Blizzard have done a good job of giving major overhauls to the zones that needed it, while only making subtle changes to others.

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean

I've played a few of the Lego games and, despite their simplicity and lack of real challenge, I've always enjoyed them. It's probably a mix of nostalgia at being able to play with Lego again (sort of) and being a fan of the source material. I love the Pirates of the Caribbean films (yes, all of them), so I was very happy that this was the next series to be given the Lego treatment.

I started playing today and got through the first three levels. So far, it's pretty much the same gameplay I've come to expect from a Lego game. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however, and I have already noticed a few smaller improvements, such as some of the puzzle elements being a little more obvious. One of the problems with past Lego games was that you'd occasionally find yourself completely stuck, simply because one or two of the puzzle elements weren't clear enough. You knew what you had to do, but how to do it could sometimes be a little too confounding. Lego Pirates includes some handy on screen prompts, showing which parts of the environment you can interact with using the item you're currently holding. Sure, it makes the game a little easier, but challenge never was the point of the Lego games.

What's Next?

Hopefully the end of Infamous is what's next. Other than that, I'll continue playing Lego Pirates, power on towards the ever-closer Dark Portal in WoW, carry on wondering if I'm ever going to reach the end of the first chapter in The Sims Medieval and maybe even finish that Napoleon game in Civilization V.

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