Sunday 5 June 2011

This Week, I 'Ave Been Mostly Playing... (05/06/2011)

...not a lot. As I tweeted, I've been ill all week, so I've mostly been feeling too drained to do anything, even video games. That's not to say I haven't played anything at all, though, so I'll briefly summarise what I have been playing when I haven't been having coughing/sneezing/having feverish dreams about vikings.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

I finally got round to playing this and finished it in a couple of sessions. I suppose it's in the nature of episodic content, but £9.99 actually seems quite steep for a game that takes so little time to complete. There are a few things to do after completion, such as getting all the chaos emeralds and trying to get yourself on the online scoreboards, but I'm not entirely sure I want to. You'll find out why in my upcoming review.

Katamari Forever

I managed to pick this up fairly cheaply on Ebay. As far as I know, the original game was never released over here in the UK, but the hype surrounding it was enough to make me grab We Love Katamari (which was released here, thank King of All Cosmos) on release day. After so many enjoyable hours with it, I could hardly pass up on a 1080p Katamari adventure.

At first I found myself struggling to get back into the control scheme, but after about half an hour with it, muscle memory took over and I was fully back into Katamari rolling mode.

It's still just as comically weird as ever, and I love the robotic doppelganger of the King of All Cosmos. In fact, the King himself is probably one of our -- I mean, my favourite video game characters of all time. Royal Rainbow!

Team Fortress 2

This time we were joined by two more of our old WoW guild-mates and proved that more is indeed merrier. This time I was mostly focused on the heavy weapons guy, as he's the class I've been able to get the most kills on thus far, mostly due to the fact that less precision aiming is involved. Pointing in the general direction of the enemy and spraying bullets at them seems to work just fine for the time being, especially with the support of a friendly medic.

What I enjoyed most was when we were all able to get on the same team and work together on the map specific objectives. A small band of four players is just about enough to get the payload moving in Badwater.

World of Warcraft

I've just logged off from a WoW session where my druid finally hit level 58. I made sure to take the traditional "standing outside the portal" screenshot before stepping through into the twisted world of Outland. I've missed it. It looks like they've fixed the bug that made the floor of Shattrath city slightly wet. I appreciate that.

1 comment:

  1. I hope these were feverish dreams about Lost Vikings.
